Resorption in a front tooth. Had it extracted and now there’s a fancy titanium drywall anchor grafted into my skull. A few weeks of healing and then I’ll have a false tooth bolted in.

    22 days ago

    Ok, I kinda want to share my x-ray of my resorbed tooth. Mine was way in the back, though.

    An xray of my teeth showing a very back tooth with severe resorption issues.

    It had been a minute since I’d been to the dentist. Probably two years. The hygenist who took the x-ray asked if “that back tooth had been bothering you.” And I was like “uh… not really? Should it be?”

    I didn’t get to see the x-ray until the dentist showed me. He said that a) it wasn’t because I didn’t brush/floss/whatever b) just looking at the tooth, with his eyes, it looked like a perfectly healthy tooth - only the x-ray revealed any problem c) it was either caused by COVID or it was a complete fluke d) it wasn’t terribly unusual for resorptions to be asymptomatic for a good while e) I was absolutely going to lose that tooth and there was no fixing it f) if I had to lose a tooth, that’s probably the tooth you’d least mind losing g) it would be about three months before the oral surgeon would be able to actually do the extraction h) by the time I actually got it extracted, I’d really want it out.

    He was right on all counts so far as I can tell. The extraction was quite a relief. I ate a lot of liverwurst for a week or two after. Heh.