Hi. I’m a big YouTube guy. I spend a ton of time watching YouTube videos. But for the life of me, I can’t seem to enjoy Japanese YouTube. I do enjoy watching SOME vtubers occasionally when they play fun games. Other than that I don’t really read much unless it’s on reddit/lemmy or github. Someone pointed me to a Japanese mastodon instance but it has a pretty intense VPN block.
What do you guys watch/read in Japanese?
https://animelon.com/ has a really fancy annotated subtitle system where you can mouseover and look up words, and scroll through full history. Or you can just watch raw as well.
Animelon is great. Nowadays I mostly use https://nyaa.si/ + asbplayer + mokuro when I want to watch anime / read manga
Importing used books from Japan is relatively cheap. I have a shelf with various novels and manga in Japanese I bought over the years.
I personally am going through tadoku catalog right now to get up to a level where I can watch and read random stuff.
I tried a YT method with Russian but I only found 2 youtubers that ware making enjoyable stuff. It was very easy to just switch accounts so a bit of willpower to get through unfun recommended stuff was necessary. Try to use the Algorithm to your advantage. It wants you to stay on youtube. (Sadly I don’t want to learn Russian so I didn’t keep going)
For Japanese Fediverse look into Misskey (and forks). They have a LOT of Japanese speaking people.
I am already reading a bunch of LN and Anime so switching for me will be easy. I also have a backlog of interesting looking YT channels: ずんだもんの定理, あらゐけいいち and Clear Usui