I haven’t seen an AI make an convincing oil painting yet :-)
Maybe not for you, but search for oil painting prints on amazon and you’ll find tons of AI generated stuff. The average Joe already can’t tell the difference.
I haven’t seen an AI make an convincing oil painting yet :-)
Maybe not for you, but search for oil painting prints on amazon and you’ll find tons of AI generated stuff. The average Joe already can’t tell the difference.
For professional artists, AI art is taking away their livelihood. Many of them already lived in precarious conditions in a tough job market before and this is only getting worse now, with companies increasingly relying on cheaper AI art for things like concept art etc.
For me, as a hobbyist and art consumer, the main issue is AI art invading “my” spaces. I want to look at Human-made art and have no interest in AI-generated content whatsoever. But all the platforms are getting flooded with AI content and all the filters I set to avoid it barely help. Many users on these platforms roleplay as real artists as well and pretend their art isn’t AI, which annoys me quite a bit. I don’t mind if people want to look at AI art, but they should leave me alone with it and don’t force it down my throat.
I’d say like 20%. Not unlikely he’ll try but there will be pushback. Also his age and health or an assassin might well get to him first. He might try going for a family dynasty instead, with Donald Jr following him.
I mean they still ran in an emulator on Linux. It had plenty of native games as well though, like Cave Story in the photo.
Nice! Never had the F100. Always wondered how that “Analog stick” (that I think was really just a DPad?) controlled.
his best case scenario is avoiding the death penalty.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but couldn’t the jury decide not to convict him and he’d be a free man? I’ve read that in some places at least. Or is there a mechanism to prevent that?
Lots of sitting. Both on my job and in my free time.
But why would they do that when they can just generate the content, no artist required?