I almost hate to ask this since it’s come up so much already, but what’s with the Dragon Rider drama? Like what’s going on

  • RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world
    15 days ago

    Burying one’s head in the sand is an awful reaction to just about anything. If I had done what you said, I would have remained uninformed on this topic because it is about a Lemmy user, and no other place would have provided the answer to this information.

    I am glad someone else responded with a basic summary of their assessment of the situation. There is, of course, more to the story, but from the summary I can see that it is as I thought, something that is completely meaningless to me and has zero influence on anything I currently do or plan to do. I didn’t even know this question was about a Lemmy user, I thought it was about like Dragon Riders of Pern’s author, or perhaps a FATE character’s design or voice actor or something because I have very minimal knowledge of FATE but that sounds like it could be a character from FATE. Not that any of that is all that important to me either, but those topics are still far more important to me than personal social-political bickering in an online forum.

    Upon learning this information, I can now drop interest in the topic and not wonder what the question was asking about.