“Is that Bantha ham processed? If it’s processed I don’t want it.”
"Ma’am, that is an eleven pound whole slab of Bantha ham. It has no bones, fat, or connective tissue. It is an amalgamation of the meat of several fearful banthas, emulsified in bacta, liquefied in rage, Kessel runned, strained, Droid lasered and ultimately inexorably joined with a Beskar press in an unholy meat obelisk full of suffering.
The force had no hand in the creation of this abhorrence. The fact that this ham monolith exists proves that the Jedi are either impotent to alter the universe as the force wills it, or ignorant to the horrors taking place through the Galaxy.
This prism of Bantha is more than deli meat. It is a physical declaration of sentients all around contempt for the natural order and their craving for the dark side. It is hubris manifest."
“We also have a low midi-chlorian variety if you would prefer that.”
“Is that Bantha ham processed? If it’s processed I don’t want it.”
"Ma’am, that is an eleven pound whole slab of Bantha ham. It has no bones, fat, or connective tissue. It is an amalgamation of the meat of several fearful banthas, emulsified in bacta, liquefied in rage, Kessel runned, strained, Droid lasered and ultimately inexorably joined with a Beskar press in an unholy meat obelisk full of suffering.
The force had no hand in the creation of this abhorrence. The fact that this ham monolith exists proves that the Jedi are either impotent to alter the universe as the force wills it, or ignorant to the horrors taking place through the Galaxy.
This prism of Bantha is more than deli meat. It is a physical declaration of sentients all around contempt for the natural order and their craving for the dark side. It is hubris manifest."
“We also have a low midi-chlorian variety if you would prefer that.”