I have been in the same job (with a promotion so very slightly different) for almost 5 years now. This has definitely been my longest job, by at least 2.5 years 😅 but I have found that the nature of the role is really one of those things where days don’t tend to be the same and all that jazz, but recently I have found myself getting that itchy feet feeling.

At the same time, the job is getting busier and deadlines have been coming faster with more last minute change than there had been previously.

I am definitely on the edge of burnout or maybe I’m in “functional burnout” or whatever that is… anyone else find that boredom or feeling like you need to move onto the next thing contributes to burnout?

Also I started meds back in November so not sure if that is contributing. I have been insanely productive since starting meds but I feel like every day is a hyperfocus day now and I am not sure if that is making things worse.

And if anyone is curious I am a finance business partner working with a sales leadership team, it’s quite interesting really but I am definitely in need of moving onto something else.

People keep telling me I am driven but I don’t think it is that so much as a constant need for stimulation/novelty that drives me forward. Somehow I have made myself important in my organisation and now I have regrets 🤣🤣

  • snooggums@lemmy.world
    13 days ago

    Is it? I feel like people think I know where I am going but it’s not that… I just don’t like feeling stuck

    Yeah, being driven is about the drive to do things. Often it is tied to overcoming challenges and might have overall goals, but the main thing is actively doing things and having initiative.

    In some cases there is a plan, and that is the common one given for people in publicly visible or leadership positions. Like someone driven to succeed at business and whatnot. But there are also driven people who respond to their environment without having a set goal.

    Someone might be driven to be a firefighter, but without a plan to become chief or move up the ranks. They are just driven to help people.