I watch bodycam videos on YouTube. A ton of them come from red states; they’re rural. I see the resistance to cops in red states as sort of “muh rights” but it occurs to me that Leftists (like me) may also stand up to bullshit (just not the same bullshit).

I know that I think cops are corrupt, but I also won’t fight someone with a gun. What are your thoughts on how this divide might play out?

  • jordanlund@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    It’s weird to me what people tolerate in red states that we absolutely do not here in Oregon.

    Random sobriety checkpoints were found to be unconstitutional here. You can’t just decide to close a road and pull everyone over.

    Red states apparently love that shit.


    “Before government officials can embark on a search or seizure for evidence to be used for this purpose, they must have individualized suspicion of wrongdoing. Further, unless they can show to a court’s satisfaction, after the fact, that they did not have time to obtain a warrant, the authorities must have judicial authorization, in the form of a warrant, before the search or seizure.

    Defendant was seized when his vehicle was stopped. His vehicle is, like other possessions, an “effect” in which he is entitled to be “secure against unreasonable search, or seizure.” Or. Const. Art. I, § 9. His person and documents were searched and the evidence obtained was used to convict him of a crime.

    These acts occurred in the absence of any belief that he had committed an offense. The officers did not comply with the constitutional standards for searches and seizures. Or. Const. Art. I, § 9. The evidence must be suppressed.”