Which norms do you think would still largely apply and what would be the first to go out the window? Are there principles you would personally still stick to despite not expecting the same from others? Do you think these rules would need to be enforced in groups or is “common decency” mostly inherent and universal? How about the difference between lone survivors and groups? Would an individual potentially be more dangerous due to nobody holding them accountable?

These are just examples of a different angles from which to consider this question. I’m curious about hearing your thoughts on what society would be like under what effectively is true anarchy.

  • snooggums@lemmy.world
    3 days ago

    Unlike modern society survival would require more working together and maybe honesty

    A significant number of people will throw other people to the zombies to save themselves in the short term, and it only takes one in a group to screw the whole group over. This would be sorted out fairly quickly as people won’t have patience with bad actors in a harsh environment. Putting people to death for crimes that put the group in danger is likely to be common since exile risks a malicious person coming back to sabotage the group.

    Small bands of horrible people raiding other places would probably be a lot less common than in media though, because they would be putting themselves in harms way more often than those that hunker down. Risks of flat tires, running out of fuel, etc. means more walking and other means of travel that risk running into zombie hordes.

    So yeah, the overwhelming trend will be cooperation with a huge emphasis on honesty.