Now that’s a first class shower thought
That’s why you should always use “here comes the endangered condor into the power lines” instead.
“Herr comes one of the rich…”
Why was I laughing? Oh, yes, that extinct bird. Hee hee hee.
International flights with babies is so impossibly hard
One set of parents brought a big bag of earplugs to pass around the plane on a flight I was on. They (fortunately for all of us but mostly them, incorrectly) suspected their infants would scream much of the flight. I do not know them but they are some of my favorite people.
I’m a little surprised there hasn’t been a push to make a sound proof pod for a baby. Perhaps there has been but it is too claustrophobic/unsafe. But just imagine being able to put your baby in a little egg thing and carry that.
Yeah… The more I think about it it sounds dumb lol.
I’m guessing you don’t have child, and I mean that nicely ( :) ). That sounds like a good idea on paper but 75% of the two 25 air trips I just took was the baby wanting to play or get upset. That sounds wonderful for sleeping rather than the crappy crib they provide but the worse is they have no space and we can only hold them.
A genius idea I had is that they usually give young parents the bulkhead space. They should put a travel crib style gate and mat so the child can just play at the parents feet without sitting on the nasty carpet
That would be a genius idea for pets actually!