fuck you spez
Now that that’s out of the way, here’s an exclusive Lemmy update on my horrible life with more questions.
After the last post, upon the advice of Lemmy, I put everything in trash bags, showered, and left with new clothes in shopping bags.
I changed into the new clothes in a Starbucks, at which the employees suspected I was an intravenous drug user and asked me if I was okay through the door, likely with Narcan in hand.
I told them I was fine, just washing my hands (which made no sense because I had been loudly placing things into garbage bags and opening sealed clothing packets in an echoey room without any water running). Then I continued to put more things in garbage bags, concealed slyly in large branded bags from Target.
Yes, they all thought I was a homeless junky, but it was actually much worse, and after over 10 minutes I emerged in a new sexy outfit, terrified that the police were being called, then grabbed my Frappachino and ran out.
I managed to get to the bus just in time.
All the bags were frozen for days and the contents washed. Everything was salvageable except my alarm clock radio which only plays static now and blinks strangely. It did not like being frozen and washed.
Since then, I have noticed 1 additional bite. I do not know if it was there before. I am terrified. Multiple days have passed since then, but it doesn’t prove I am safe since bed bugs can go days without feeding. If it turns out I still have them and may have spread them, I will deal with that guilt and agony when I know for sure.
I back with my friend but am now rethinking my approach, contemplating that I should have stayed at the bed bug place.
I did not end the tenancy when I left but did keep the cashier’s check that was the rent. I am still unsure of what to do.
I have a family member who is slowly dying in that area, I work remotely and expect I could lose my job any month, they’ve already gutted 90 percent of the department and I would expect other jobs will be next. I have survived many rounds of layoffs however. This family member lives in a small place and is somewhat crazy. I may not be able to see them if I am not in the area.
My credit has also taken a nosedive, so it will be very hard for me to rent something new. I’m considering going back and suffering instead of looking for something cheap here. I could probably get someone to cosign if I did look for a new place. I know no one in this area except my one friend who is not very social.
My head is completely messed up, even more than it was before. In the last post, people responded about the psychological devastation bed bugs cause. I am already there: 2 days of bed bugs and suddenly fleeing and I am on pins and needles, my normally mildly crazy brain gone extra bonkers with what ifs, fear, and suffering.
I am considering going back. The landlord won’t tell me how many treatments have been done in the past year. This seems concerning. I don’t know what to do. They did however do treatments to the room immediately after bed bugs were found, they said. I didn’t feel like they didn’t take it seriously, but am not entirely sure the building isn’t crawling with them all over in other rooms.
What would you do if you were me? Please, tell me Lemmy.
(in conclusion fuck spez)
Hey OP, I hope you catch this reply. It seems like most people here didn’t see you original post. You need to stay away from that place! The landlord knew it was infested and rented it to you anyway. With that many units it will never not be infested.
After reading both posts I’d say 90% likely you’re clear. I’ve had an infestation from apartment neighbors before myself. If you have access to a dryer run your clothes through a lot. Even better would be one of those big industrial ones at a laundromat but I understand money is tight.
You need to call that piece of shit slumlord and say you’re not coming back. You need to demand, do not ask, demand any deposit money back for knowingly renting you a unit infested with bedbugs. Threaten small claims court and going to the local news, and follow through if they don’t give you your money back.
In small claims you don’t need a lawyer. It is for any civil matter under $5000. You should not have to pay much if anything to take them to small claims court.
And since this person is such a piece of shit, I would inform the local news about the situation whether they give you your money back or not. Send an email that says the landlord’s name, the address of the 50 unit complex, and tell your story. Tell them you fear everyone there is living with bedbugs and you think it could spread to the community. Nail this slumlord to the wall. You can do it!
I am considering going back more. The public health inspector I talked with said she last heard of a problem there in 2019, keep in mind this is an affordable housing place with 50+ units, and she said if there is pest control and they are doing treatments it doesn’t sound like a problem. Since many people there aren’t native English speakers, I unfortunately can’t easily ask many of the people who live there. Some of the other people seem a bit tough and I’m not sure how they would react to my approaching them.
I am really far away from most friends and family. I’m worried I may be making a mistake, especially if I were to suddenly get laid off. What if this is a treatable situation and I’m just overreacting?
You were being bitten by them. That’s an active infestation. People don’t just go pouring diatomaceous earth in doorways six years after there were bedbugs. I think you will regret living there. Health inspectors don’t know anything. They have no resources to inspect apartments. They can maybe make it to every restaurant twice a year in my experience.
I did see this reply.