I first tried to kill myself in 2000, and writing about it of course resulted in another fucking award from Columbia.
My drug dealer broke into my apartment, found my phone, called everyone he’d ever heard me talk about, and then finally 911. I’d been thorough.
At that point, it was merely personal problems; we now have systemic ones.
I’m still crashing with a friend but return to the marginally movable trash can tomorrow.
I don’t know what I’m looking for by posting. I just know “not this” is where I’m at in life, and one can only spend so much time with the crisis line.
I’d like to second this sentiment… I know that there’s one man who understands the fear I’m feeling, the building rage and panic. He posts on my instance and his name is Pete. Its a little thing but it makes me feel less alone.
Might edit this post with some music I’ve been using to cope later. I just wanted to let you know I, we, see you.
Here ya go. I got into a game with a soundtrack by an infamous breakbeat producer called Sewerslvt and what I took away from reading about her career is that her oeuvre hinges a lot on suicidality, loss, and shock. This track is called Jvnko Loves You and references one of the most brutal, graphic stories of murder I’ve ever come across and… it makes me want to live because the victim in question didn’t get to, which I think is what the artist was going for.
More generally, the music of Death Grips helped me internalize that spite can be a vile humor that pushes us to live and that hate, rage, and nihilism are core parts of our humanity that hurt as much to deny as they do to embrace. Many of their songs are about how hard it is to choose to live and many of their lyrics have stuck with me. Beware - an audio formatted raison d’etre. On GP - a screed about choosing to live for others. Come Up and Get Me - Self explanatory.
These are angry and/or intense songs and thoughts that I hope won’t be triggering for you, please don’t listen if they are. I know you DID say anger wasn’t your cup of tea, sorry. Its not ecstasy, but I’m in a somewhat similar boat of coming off of being a daily weed smoker during one of the worst times I can imagine for ANYONE to kick ANYTHING, whether it’s opiates or gummy bears. My sympathies. I’d like to also add a couple of more beautiful, serene tracks, to counterbalance the bleak tracks above.
Sufjan Stevens - I Want to Be Well
Zoe - Luna
Anoraak - We Lost
Sigur Ros - Glosoli
I usually know how to respond. In this case, I do not.
You don’t always have to. I know some of what you’re feeling and sympathize. There’s some music in the above post. I wish I could do more for you than link to an eclectic barrage of tracks.
Freestylers - Back to '99 is one of my favourite breaks tracks. It does veer into DnB.
I’m only familiar with one Sufjan Stevens track. I’ll check these out. Thanks!