I cut my own hair today for the first time and I am so happy with the result. I look like a cute little lesbian with a tomboy haircut and I have been smiling every time I see my reflection. It’s was really tricky to get right and it took a long time… I’m sure someone else could have done a better job… but I finally look like myself! I put my jewellery back on for the first time in months because I felt like I deserve to look my best.

I got exactly one compliment when I went out today. “Did you cut your hair?” “Yes.” “Nice.” It’s not much but I’ll take it xD

On a side note, is this what it feels like to fit your gender? Just knowing I look like this instead of a guy with long hair has made me feel different about so many random things today

  • shalafi@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Old guy here. Two women I dated had beautiful hair, so I asked how they got it cut. Reaction was the same, “Oh, I just cut it in the sink.” You can do that?!

    So I started doing it myself. Works pretty well! I just flop my long hair over and go for it. Sometimes my wife had to nip a bit I can’t see or get.