I was supposed to move my car last night but I forgot. The ticket is for $65 but I found a dollar on the ground near my car so I’m actually only out $64.
I set an alarm in my calendar so I won’t forget next time.
Doesn’t even matter, found a dollar! Nice.
You could just consider it a parking fee 😇
The guy who taught me to drive called his speeding tickets a “fast-driving surcharge”. Eventually he got one for $800, which was a lot of money for a graduate student.
Where I live you also get demerit points on your driver’s license. Collect enough points and you have to hand your license in. Do it enough and you lose your license entirely.
It’s the same here (or maybe we’re both in the same place) but if I recall correctly, the guy I’m talking about never got to that point because he had to sell his car. He couldn’t afford the cost of insuring it with all those tickets on his record.
I took a calculated risk today driving ten over because I was late for work.
Driving 10 over in most cases will make little to no difference in time, even on an hour-long commute (~6 minutes @ 10 MPH over 60, with diminishing returns at higher speed limits). The one time I got pulled over, I was doing 10 over which would have only saved about 4 or 5 minutes. The stop added another 20 minutes to the drive.
Stay safe out there and only speed on sparsely patrolled roads for the occasional spirited drive. Otherwise just follow traffic and blend in.
I do this about once a month. I could just bite the bullet and rent a space in a nearby lot, but that’s $85, so I’m actually saving money on the tickets as long as I don’t hit both move-your-car-for-street-cleaning days.