I’m currently looking for a new OS, coming from KDE neon and I like it, but the fact I have to FUCKING restart because someone decided to push an OS update that broke my previous install, now the OS freezes my whole PC (never did before!) and I have to restart.
I’m looking for good apps support so Debian? Idk Using it for daily usage (Android/games development) and gaming.
I’m also looking for:
- Wobbly windows (yes useless but cool lol)
- Good customization
- KDE connect support (a must)
- Krunner or equivalent (MacOS like search)
- Idk?
Thank you!
I’m quite happy with Fedora. It has kde support, many apps (especially with rpmfusion), and is quite stable because it is still a 6 month ish major release schedule. Wobbly windows, kde connect, and krunnuer will definitely work. Good customization is subjective, and honestly I consider c/unixporn to be weird but cool wizardry, but I’m happy with it. One thing to consider is if you have a newer amd CPU with an iGPU being used it will get slow and crash every now and then (few months). It’s a bug in the linux kernel starting around 6.10.
Yes, but I mean you can customize a lot in settings, themes, icons, etc
I have a 5800x and a 6950 so it should be okay
the Bazzite KDE flavor sounds like what you need