• davidgro@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Before I proposed, my (now)wife and I discussed this and we did some research, then went with Moissanite.

    She has a ring with a huge very shiny stone that doesn’t break when it hits something, and we both also still have some money left.

    It’s awesome that all these other options exist as well!

    (Similarly, we got married at home with a friend as an officiant* and only close family present. It was great.

    *He had earlier gotten himself ordained by mail so he could officiate the wedding of his own daughter.)

    • stinky@redlemmy.com
      3 months ago

      Moissanite is so pretty. I’m not much of a jewelry guy. And I’m not trans. But I’ve always wanted to wear lots of pretty sparkly things. I’m having a blast looking through all these fun possibilities. When I was in Atlanta a pedestrian walked by me wearing all white, and dripping in silver chains, he looked like a time traveler, I want to do that but with purple or green. Do you remember where you got your engagement ring stone?