The donkey, therefore, was brought up and grew bigger, and his ears grew up beautifully high and straight. He was, however, of a merry disposition, jumped about, played and had especial pleasure in music, so that he went to a celebrated musician and said, “Teach me thine art, that I may play the lute as well as thou dost.” (The Donkey by the Brothers Grimm)
You know, this did tickle my curiosity, cause I also did not know what fairy tale Donkey was supposed to be from, and I’ve heard that he wasn’t from any fairytale in the past too. Thank you for this, I have a copy of Grimm’s Fairy Tales at home, I’ll need to check this story out when I get back.
Oh, no, no, no.
It’s the opposite.
It’s gives “you” monies to lie on the inter of webs (well, it can give you money, but some go for glory too & let the megacorps get the gold pile). Every shitty thing is monetized.
and the donkey in the bible was only temporarily vocal in order to speak a specific message to one dude. again, no conclusion to be found here, only to point out that OP is misinformed.
nor did i. nevertheless that is the premise this hypothetical works under. just being silly and exploring the relationships of these media as an exercise.
It costs $0 to lie on the internet, reminder.
TBF, I wouldn’t put it past a 4Chan OP to be ignorant either
You know, this did tickle my curiosity, cause I also did not know what fairy tale Donkey was supposed to be from, and I’ve heard that he wasn’t from any fairytale in the past too. Thank you for this, I have a copy of Grimm’s Fairy Tales at home, I’ll need to check this story out when I get back.
yay! i love the brothers grimm
Oh, no, no, no.
It’s the opposite.
It’s gives “you” monies to lie on the inter of webs (well, it can give you money, but some go for glory too & let the megacorps get the gold pile). Every shitty thing is monetized.
Thats why we lemmy over here.
wiktionary dot com slash grift
The “donkey” in the story is able to “throw off his ass’s skin” and is a human underneath. Definitely not the same character.
And Shrek is Scottish compared to almost every other fairy tale ogre lol. There is no meaningful point to be made there.
The point is that there’s no reason to think that this particular talking donkey character from a Grimm’s story inspired Donkey in Shrek in any way.
and the donkey in the bible was only temporarily vocal in order to speak a specific message to one dude. again, no conclusion to be found here, only to point out that OP is misinformed.
I didn’t take the OP as being serious at all.
nor did i. nevertheless that is the premise this hypothetical works under. just being silly and exploring the relationships of these media as an exercise.
Didn’t even assume it was a lie. Just figured anon was ignorant.
That is also my default assumption.