I’ll balance her out - zero most years. It doesn’t taste good enough to start adding sweetener to things
I’ll balance her out - zero most years. It doesn’t taste good enough to start adding sweetener to things
I went here as well, but managed to turn it around. I now have more belief in America being a great country, but as an ideal, as something we need to work hard toward. I’ve become a lot more progressive as I see what it would take to live up to this myth about ourselves. Let’s do it. Let’s do it for our children, for the next generation, for a better world tomorrow! Lets start small and local, be the neighbor you thought you had, show the empathy we all deserve, make America a Community again
If you’ve seen anything about Matter, it most likely talks about Thread as well. They usually go together
A child’s idea of a strong man?
I hate this so much - it usually ends up looking like shit on my phone while leaving huge empty margins on my monitor. Browser autoscaling usually just works - why do ui designers think they need to reinvent it … poorly?
Hey that’s a great idea for the euros with actual consumer protection - as a next step to the consent popups, you should limit how many things you can consent to at once. For example, if users had yet another pop up for the next ten “necessary partners” they would quickly abandon sites that made them do that
Hidden scroll bar. We don’t need that extra half centimeter of content, we need a visible scroll bar I can conveniently grab. Why do I have to try to maneuver the cursor to the right spot to make the scroll bar appear, then find the current position, move the mouse to it hoping the scroll bar doesn’t disappear again, and finally get to scroll.
Both infinite scrolling and excessive paging interfere with me being able to navigate to a spot.
While there are many problems with standardized testing, I think this is where people say we need standardized testing.
If a school is pulling that shit, there needs to be a way to catch it and do something about it
I don’t even think it’s the people who ruin social media that’s the problem- the fascists and racists and haters were always there. And not even so much that they now have a stage and algorithms
The whole problem is there is no longer anything people agree as worthwhile news. No fairness, no trustworthy. The few remaining objective news outlets are pigeonholed into one partisan side or another, regardless whether they deserve it.
To the common person, there is no news. That social media is it. And every if there were, how could you tell the difference?
I blame Fox News more than streamers because they did at least as much as anyone to destroy News, with clear bias and outrage, and misleading its viewers to blur the distinction between news and news entertainment
My state is winning. So far the new federal administration hasn’t disrupted us much: we look so much better as the other side of the comparison worsens. We’re a big part of the fight for humanity, and new regional transit based zoning is already showing increased housing starts
You don’t say “sue-knee” for “CUNY” (City University of New York) Etc.
Of course not, then it would conflict with SUNY (State University of New York)
And even more annoying, JavaScript is not correctly uppercased for common styles
f*ck. You can even occasionally get away with spelling it like this
When I first encountered it, it was by hearing it. It took longer than it probably should have to recognize that when people talked about “engine x”, they meant “in-jinks”
Probably would have been something like that, but I never got serious about it
Another hobby I used to have (before kids):
Money market or high yield savings. They may not return much but will keep you at or above inflation. 3 years is too short for stock. Maybe it would work, but maybe it won’t and you can’t recover that quickly.
In general I think ten years where stock is an unbeatable investment where you’ll almost always come out ahead.
I don’t have a hair dryer but some bidets do have a dry setting that blows hot air
I can imagine it being comfortable once but then I’m imagining dry chapped skin where you least want it
Are they, especially your mom, different in person?
I have this one aunt who will hold forth in any crowd, insisting on whatever conspiracy theory she read on Facebook most recently. It’s tiring to the point that most of my adult life I’ve avoided her at family get togethers. But last time I saw her, just before pandemic, we happened into conversation away from everyone else. She came across lucid, intelligent, and we had a good conversation. wtf? Where has all that been?
That’s my feeling as well, but it would be great if any data exists. Most of the intentional LEDs may be super tight but also have very sharp cutoffs, no problem
How many of these blinding headlights are