Um, I was just doing a copypasta replacement of the grandparent post.
I do not have not finalized my dissertation on The Complexities of the American Ego: An Examination of Ignorance Fueled Bravado.
Um, I was just doing a copypasta replacement of the grandparent post.
I do not have not finalized my dissertation on The Complexities of the American Ego: An Examination of Ignorance Fueled Bravado.
Don’t let her play. Swaddle her tightly and maintain routine. Restart the sound machine, run the mobile, etc. – whatever you do to indicate it’s sleep time not play time.
Also talk to her pediatrician about it.
And don’t afraid to lose your shit but plan for it. Make her safe (e.g.; strap her in a car seat) and walk away. Take the time to scream at the moon, she’s not going to cry herself to death.
Lol are you not familiar with Americans / Superiority Complexes?
Too complicated. Put it on the never buy again list.
“But someday I’ll be the one holding the knife!” - Temporarily Embarrassed Sociopaths Millionaires
Yes. Investing is always worth it unless you have credit card debit.
Set it up to automatically invest into the lowest fee index fund your broker offers.
Not everyone. Capitalists love capitalism. It’s the people who aren’t capitalists but think they are because they love capitalism.
Sort of like how people think they are Christian’s because they go to church believe in Jesus, but don’t actually follow the teachings.
People think they are all sorts of things they are not and make themselves and or other miserable because of their fantasies.