“Let Chaos storm, let cloud shapes swarm; I wait for form”

  • 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • I’m not saying it isn’t important all, I just think that it’s equally important to work to defeat systems and encourage people to take said action, as opposed to just trying to spread fear and despair. Which is what a lot of films about privacy and surveillance end up doing. There’s a name for that, it’s called fearmongering. Obviously we can’t stop the media from doing that but we should at least not do it ourselves.

    And for any useful idiots who try and whine about how breaking those technological measures violates Terms of Service, terms of service in software that was handed to you is as worthless as the agreement at the bottom of my other comment. You need technological or practical enforcement of it for it to make sense. Like on this site the Terms of service are enforced with a ban if you don’t follow them. On the other hand software terms of use have no such enforcement, as anyone who participates in [email protected] would understand.

  • I await to see technical enforcement of it. Anyone can write rules on a piece of paper, but without collecting information physically, or having someone enforce it, it’s useless words. And so far it seems a lot of people and companies make rules and claims without technological enforcement.

    I imagine though at worst you can simply block all of mozilla’s domains through /etc/hosts and their IPs or IP range with a firewall rule. Still sucks but you do not need to comply with it, no matter what anyone says. It’s the technical aspects that are the most thorny, not the words on a page.

    By reading this comment you hearby agree to send Draconic NEO no less than $400 in the currency of AnimalCrossing bells, applies for each time you read it, and re-reads of words also count. You will also be required to stand on your head for 30 minutes for every instance of reading this comment or re-reading a word. Compliance with these terms is mandatory.

  • i’m not blaming other pirates for anything. What i’m saying is there are consequences for some things. For example, many things are not acted upon because corporations and governments arent aware of them.

    Companies like Valve and Nintendo are absolutely aware of piracy and exploits in their systems, to assume they are not is extremely naive, and is one of the basis for people blaming pirates. The ignorant and incorrect idea that they don’t know and that piracy being popular makes them aware is the primary reason for hostility and gatekeeping in the piracy community. Ironically it actually hurts preservation efforts by making content less available to people.

    Or some things are just ignored because its cheaper for them to do nothing about it than act.

    That’s not really a thing either, if it were they’d ignore piracy almost completely and let people just buy games as they normally do, it’s cheaper and easier for them to do nothing, rather than waste money with copyright trolling. So this really isn’t a good argument.

    Don’t you see the necessity of trying to manage how corporations might respond?

    I’ve explained how their reactions to ““abuse”” are largely an excuse already so I’ll just say this. It isn’t worth it to try and play 4D chess with companies like this because at the end of the day they’re cheating at it. Even if you were able to get no one to use any kind of exploit in Family sharing or similar courtesy projects these companies do to foster goodwill, you’d find that in the end they would still choose to discontinue or neuter it because of ““abuse”” and that people will be said that “people abusing it ruin it for everyone” because that fostering of goodwill does wonders fro boosting credibility and getting people to believe their greed motivated lies.

  • You’re not going to stop them from getting worse, and nothing the rest of us do can either, short of overthrowing the companies, and ending capitalism. Something that ultimately isn’t likely to happen any time soon. What you’re forgetting here is that when I say companies use abuse as an excuse I really mean the excuse part. They’ll say it’s happening even if it’s not significant, and they’ll say it’s happening even if it isn’t happening at all. If they get tired of the courtesy and want to go back to making more money they’ll lie and say they’re ending it because of abuse and people who do blame pirates will eat that excuse up even if it’s a lie and begin attacking pirates for it, like they always do. Do you see it yet?

  • I really wish us as a community would stop blaming other pirates for the bad or evil decisions of companies, that applies to exploitative decisions like limitation of abilites via fake DRM (by the way, you can bypass SteamWorks DRM very VERY Easily) or when it comes to copyright trolling and takedown requests.

    The truth is they would rather us blame and ultimately shoot at each other because, well I think others have said it best: “United we’re strong, divided we’re weak” and blaming other people for takedown requests or bad decisions from companies is exactly the kind of division they want, that benefits them. Because when we’re divided or don’t see them as the enemy, it’s easier to pick us off and there will be no retaliation against them.

    Get out of that mindset of going against other pirates, it is the corporations who screw things up, they do it of their own accord. Blaming pirates is an excuse because they’re bored and want to make more money, otherwise why would they be adding ads to paid plans? Why would they be trying to sell games multiple times in a row. They don’t actually care if people are nice to them, they probably see capitulating as weakness. We’re suckers for playing along with the game in the first place, that’s how they see it.

  • Are you full of shit? Their family sharing is the most locked down garbage there is, they limit you to families of 4 and make you wait a year before you can join another family. That’s not a courtesy, that’s a fake courtesy so they can say they provided something, and claim to be “good guy Valve”, actually that’s not true, they never claimed to be good guy Valve. It doesn’t help that they made publishers able to mark games as not family share supported.

    While they added so much to the Family share feature they also took away a lot and locked it down considerably. I’m not going to pretend the fancy new options and ability to add 4 accounts is an upgrade, you get locked out of it for a year if you join and leave and any publisher can refuse to participate.

    Let us not pretend that Valve is somehow trying to do good, they’re trying to make themselves look good while providing less, and when people point out the shortcomings they try to turn us against each other by saying it was “because of abuse”, the real reason is because they don’t want to give it their all.