I like the idea of an underpants gnome becoming the new benchy
I like the idea of an underpants gnome becoming the new benchy
Not currently high, but unless maybe your wife is a billionaire or multimillionaire ceo, I can’t really think of any reasons either…
I have no data to support this, but guessing MJ users might even be less likely to do this.
There is very little that they don’t taste good in. They make savory things taste more savory. Eggs are a good start, but chicken dishes, rices bowls, you name it.
android app: sorry this app cannot function without access to your contacts and location.
Classic crane wife story. You didn’t listen and looked right away didn’t you? Had you had comeback and checked soon you would be so full of inspiration right now
Well if you could change the settings once and have it stick this would be a good thing imo. Agree unlikely to standardize but Im not for gate-keeping for 3d printing and think this would help beginners and experts alike
Working on the important stuff first I see! While we’re at it, why did we slip back into calling them French fries. We need to throw some serious money at this problem - I’m talkin’ make the libs complain we could have ended homelessness money at changing the damn name of fried fucking potatoes!! Yeah, hand me my mountain dew hat! We’re dewin this! Murica! Hellz yah!
I doubt it but do like the idea of an rfid standard that could transmit basic info and default settings to the printer from the spool.
Dust? That’s never been an issue for me. I’m sure I’m above average for serum microplastic levels, but stick with pla and PETG if you have poor ventilation near the printer. I think basic 3d printing is quite safe with low levels of toxicity. Don’t put the thing in the nursery or anything. Set it up in a low traffic room with decent ventilation and set up a remote monitoring system for it as you’ll want to keep an eye on it. Make sure it’s not too far from a smoke detector and have fun.
Try it without them there, it goes a lot smoother I’ve found.
YouTube? Ok, I was going to guess goatse, but guessing not now.
Oh man. That looks ridiculous. Have you tried it? $89 is very steep for this, but the real deal breaker is brewing coffee at 185°. Looks like a conversation piece at best.
they told me to do that to speed up the process
They really set you up there!
Ohh nice, battery pez dispenser!
Is that considered a raft + supports or just supports on there?
Sure. There’s room for improvement though. Right to be forgotten laws are a good thing and if the world ever starts to pull out of the scoiopolitical backslide maybe more and more countries will adopt these laws. Would be a foolish move for hosts running fediverse servers to ignore such laws. Doubt many Lemmy admin are layered up and ready to try to fight these.
90s sounds nostalgic right now, but at some point we need to move forward not back.
Well this would only apply to servers that are not in a country that supports right to delete correct?
Interesting. If they weren’t patent trolls before, they certainly are now!
I wonder if this is all that’s stopping this technique though? IANAL, but it sure seems like a slicer could release this and if stratasys tried to sue them, they might have a hard time given all these patent errors.
If you are a company in 2025 and you haven’t figured out how to make almost everyone completely fucking hate you, you are really lagging behind the times. They are playing catchup.