The botanicals orchid set that was at Costco alongside the lucky bamboo.
Oh god, please don’t make me talk about myself.
The botanicals orchid set that was at Costco alongside the lucky bamboo.
God if someone could get in and wipe out student loans, I would be so happy.
People could avoid paying $70 for bad games by not preordering. Like seriously, it takes maybe two hours after release for the criticism to start pouring in.
I mean, the major issue there is “toilet equipped with an automatic cleaning and recovery module.” That is gonna be a huge expenditure for even one toilet in-home, and you’re not always at home when nature calls.
I think it’d be more feasible for the health tracking device to embed itself in your stomach or intestines somewhere so that it just doesn’t pass through, notwithstanding all the sanitation issues that arise from trying to implant something internally where all your food/waste passes through.
He’s gonna fucking croak this term, why are they trying to make a dead guy president forever?
Yeah no shit not everyone’s onboard. How the fuck does this help anyone except the apple C-suites?
For anyone wondering how to do this - on the first setup screen asking you to pick a language after you turn the laptop on, hit Shift + F10, which will bring up the console. Click on it and type:
This will restart the computer, and setup will appear unchanged. When you get to the step asking you to connect to a network, select “I don’t have Internet.” This will prompt the creation of a local account. Enjoy your Microsoft account free computer!
If you’ve already connected to the Internet but haven’t created the account, open the console and type:
ipconfig /release
Which will force the computer to disconnect from the internet. From there you can use the oobe command from before to reset and set up without a Microsoft account.
I got one and I’ve been watching old DVDs on my puter
“Creating and Bringing value” = Maximizing our ability to squeeze productivity from the chattel without them knowing how badly we’re fucking them over.
I mean, I do want cheaper GenAI in the sense that I want people to see that it’s dollar store crap that’s not worth the electricity to run the servers to make it and give it up like they did the fucking Juicero and every other smart appliance a couple years ago. God forbid I hold my breath and people wise up and understand that these people are all grifters looking to tape a horn to a horse and sell their “unicorn” to FAANG or whatever the equivalent is these days, I can’t be assed to rewrite the new poob acronym.
I don’t love Steam’s DRM at all, but theirs is the least obtrusive platform, and Gabe demonstrably understands that, and I quote the man himself, “Piracy is almost always a service problem, and not a pricing problem.”
Admittedly I’m not happy about the near-monopoly they have on the PC gaming market, particularly because it’ll be a sad day indeed if Valve ever goes public and starts pulling scummy moves like Epic, among other platforms. But I’m happy to spend money with a business that treats its employees and customers like people and not untapped resources.
Fuck me sideways. We need to dismantle capitalism like yesterday.
Oh that looks cozy!
As someone who has no less than two dozen stuffies on the bed right now I can tell you they do love you because you love them.
Honestly I can’t remember the last time my life was on “Play.” I’ve been stuck in the same job so long it’s had two name changes and an acquisition since I started. It’s decent money and I can tolerate the work which is largely why I’m still there, because almost everyone I knew when I started has left or been fired. And I’m so afraid that if I leave or get let go I won’t be able to find anything else because the job market’s been absolute dogshit.
I’ve been experimenting with my gender presentation. I did a full body shave and picked up a skirt. I don’t think it’s helped me feel better about my body. I just kind of want to be a brain in a jar or a stuffed animal or something that doesn’t look like a complete pile of shit no matter how it’s dressed up.
I beg these people to imagine a world where you don’t need to get in a vehicle to buy essentials.
True, but iPads don’t have inbuilt controllers, and packing one would inherently make it less portable than a deck. I think if you’re making a portable gaming system, your maximum screen size is sharply constrained by the form factor of the controller around it.
Really? I don’t get that at all, I understand exactly where they’re coming from. I don’t mind public toilets but I love being able to take shits in the privacy and cleanliness of my own home.
Well, now I have a term for that awful sinking feeling I get in the pit of my stomach whenever I find out my friendgroups are doing things without me. That’s a start.
To be fair, that is exactly what I do some days after work because this shit is needlessly exhausting. I think I need like a year of sickly Victorian style bedrest because I have been so burned out for so long that I don’t really have much of a sense of self at this point.