I swear we live in different worlds
I couldn’t agree more. A lot of my family are conservative and talk politics all the time, and whenever any scandal or poor decision is brought up from Trump’s first term, they always downplay it as if it was barely an issue. According to them, just about everything was outside of Trump and the Republican party’s control, taken out of context, or just outright didn’t happen. It doesn’t matter how much evidence you provide, they refuse to accept that someone they voted for may have done something bad.
When it comes to renaming external locations like this that are used by multiple countries, I would imagine it would be a case of how wide the rename is adopted. If I had to take a guess, renaming the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean in more US-centric names isn’t as likely to catch on globally and will probably just result in confusion when people from different countries are referring to the same thing.