I seriously overestimated how much R19 I needed for the basement ceiling, so I have been using it in the walls as well. The additional sound deadening on the furnace is a brilliant idea though.
I seriously overestimated how much R19 I needed for the basement ceiling, so I have been using it in the walls as well. The additional sound deadening on the furnace is a brilliant idea though.
I think so, but as with most projects there are always little imperfections that probably stand out more to me than to others
3/8 standard sheet rock for the interior walls, 3/8 green for the stuff next to the exterior, and 1/2 standard sheet rock for the ceiling.
I can officially report that it went very smoothly through my rounds. It is a dramatic improvement over the fiberglass handled big box store axe/maul I was using previously.
That’s OK the UB40 version is significantly better.
This sounds like a great idea!
Super Mario Bros. 3 - NES
The Legend of Zelda - NES
That’s the breakfast of champions right there. Also great looking cast iron.
Very nice! How did you go about it?
This was my immediate thought.
*this is not a medical diagnosis and the person posting this recommends seeking the opinion of a medical professional.
Sounds like a good start to a really nice mead.
In a perfect world yes, but with dishwashers specifically, I like to have both. If the dishwasher has ever been run as a dishwasher, then there are always going to be chucks of food waste sitting in low spots of the drain hose. Without a water barrier from the loop it basically turns the drain hose into a mini sewer as the food waste decays. It’s much smaller in scale, mind you, but you can still end up with some pretty serious funk.
If you use it as storage, I would want to make sure that it is installed correctly with a looped drain hose, preferably into a p trap. Especially if it doesn’t get run often. Otherwise, sewer gasses are going to come back up through the drain and whatever you have sitting in there is just going to bathe in funk.
Started learning the Jim Croce song “Operator” on my acoustic guitar. It’s been on the list to learn for a while, and I finally got the chance to sit down and start figuring it out.
I used to have this same conversation multiple times through the years until I realized that ultimately, it wasnt really about being right. The wife was just uncomfortable, and was going to be uncomfortable whether I was “right” or not.
Now I mostly don’t worry about the fans, cause her comfort is more important.
Having an empty office where you can get work done in peace is one of those simple pleasures that are uncommonly rare.
The Chosen One!