Finally had a free day not occupied by other chores, so I built another wall in the basement. That brings me to about 50% of the way through a finished basement.
Lookin’ good?
I think so, but as with most projects there are always little imperfections that probably stand out more to me than to others
What kind of drywall did you go with?
3/8 standard sheet rock for the interior walls, 3/8 green for the stuff next to the exterior, and 1/2 standard sheet rock for the ceiling.
Sometimes it’s good to double up drywall in places with undedireable noise such as a bathroom or utility closet. I also reccomend puting butyl car sound deadening on the sheet metal of the furnace and plenums/ductwork near it to help reduce noise.
I seriously overestimated how much R19 I needed for the basement ceiling, so I have been using it in the walls as well. The additional sound deadening on the furnace is a brilliant idea though.