That is Kath Knight and I will not stand to see her disrespected
Truly a great Australian icon
That is Kath Knight and I will not stand to see her disrespected
Truly a great Australian icon
Took today off work because I can’t deal with it
Needed to see this, thank you
Went to work in the mines
Apparently had a kid and is now a deadbeat dad
Honestly couldn’t care less, I haven’t thought about them in years
I hope they’re removed from the gene pool
80% of people probably have no idea that microwaves have power settings
lord_of_the_rings_sample.mp4 (400MB)
Neat, I didn’t know that it’s a Unix thing
More like
Leading dot will hide the folder in most file explorers
Hydrogen will never catch on until we can figure out the storage problem. It’s hard to store useful amounts of hydrogen in a small space without cryogenics or insane pressures. Fuel cells that generate hydrogen as needed from water or something is probably what we’ll end up with.