Yeah, and like fair. Especially after talking to enough bi people to know that many have a gender they have significantly better or worse taste in, it makes sense. Like I’m a lesbian with great taste in women, but I had to learn to be happy I’m gay.
Yeah, and like fair. Especially after talking to enough bi people to know that many have a gender they have significantly better or worse taste in, it makes sense. Like I’m a lesbian with great taste in women, but I had to learn to be happy I’m gay.
The back can be a flaming depiction of the kinsey institute
Ok that description sounds more like straight but wishes she wasn’t. I see that one around somewhat frequently, especially in progressive feminist spaces
It’s a thing. And like it’s kinda awkward because sometimes these people actually are queer. It’s a somewhat common experience for trans people and ace people to feel like we’re queer before we figure out how.
But also you’ve got folks like the political lesbian movement, a thing that happened during the heyday of 2nd wave feminism where a bunch of straight and asexual women redefined lesbian as a rejection of men, began entering lesbian spaces and relationships and started getting really mad at us for “acting like men” [TL: expressing sexual attraction to women]
His father is a real piece of shit. Like evej when compared to Elon. But also he grew up in a society defined by a particular level of violence. Even though he was the privileged group there the violence was still present and there was violence to all, including the violence to teach the white children to be the oppressors.
The Lenin one has been on my mind for like a year now. We’re coming up on the anniversary of the February revolution and I’m hoping that as things get worse we’ll see the point where we have had enough.
In college I would study between rounds of civ and binding of isaac. These days I’ll use a rougelike or stardew or something as something to do while listening to an audiobook when the weather isn’t fit for biking
WWI was so famous for everyone fighting a calm and reasonable war with no war crimes
Mid back. It’s inconvenient but looks good. I usually get it cut to shoulder or armpit every year or so
Does it explain 2016 though
Wait until you learn about Hogsheads its a quarter of a tun which is different from a ton
Oh also agricultural measurements are local and item specific
Historically very true. Nobody ever was glad they invaded Vietnam
That sounds like they might have an insecure attachment style.
Based responses from you tbh. Relationships work best when you try to solve problems rather than ramp up emotions constantly
It’s fair I can’t understand why they don’t just use the legs they don’t have
This is a question that’s great at getting theological arguments going. So to start with, we’re going to be ignoring religions and cultures not dominated by abrahamic religions because Hinduism split from mesopotamian religions in a very different way than Judaism and religions not associated with or influenced by the the mesopotamian civilization start are wildly different and I don’t know shit about them.
So, archeologically, evidence points to the Abrahamic God forming out of two or so male gods from mesopotamia and what began as a group devoting to that god eventually developed into a monotheistic religion. It looks like this may have been a storm god in competition with Baal, but as his religion developed he became androgynous but maintained he/him pronouns.
Theologically: hoo fucking boy that’s a fight right there. Neopagans and Mormons are in agreement that it’s because he’s a manifestation of the divine masculine and that there exists a divine feminine counterpart. Catholics (and to my knowledge jews though I’ve met some who agree with the neopagans and mormons) say that it’s tradition to address him in the masculine but he’s genderless. Some protestants will argue that he’s male and that men were created in his image and women less so. Other protestants agree with the Catholics. Others will say that the holy spirit is the divine feminine. And I’m sure many other interpretations exist.
Yeah, and its why we never repealed the Comstock laws. Its also why unconstitutional laws should be automatically stricken from the books, not merely deemed unenforcable
“Broken homes or parentless” is a bonkers grouping. A broken home means a parent is there. Parentless can mean anything from what is clearly intended to be implied to “living with loving next of kin”
Rule 1: be attractive Rule 2: don’t be unattractive
And yeah, developing confidence did wonders
Any bumper sticker threatening gun violence to thieves merely informs them fhat you own the only thing that gets more valuable when stolen