I accept that as you gave your reasoning.
I accept that as you gave your reasoning.
I feel it would be constructive if people who downvoted the OP (I am not them) told them why. As then the OP can learn what this community expects and people who stumble across comments being downvoted, we can clearly see why and learn more from it.
I wish when people downvoted comments they explain why. So we can learn.
This is how Piers Morgan gets sound bites 😂
I think if something is described as deceptively shallow it means that it looks deeper than it is. IMO
Yeah tell me about it. Not sure how I ended up here.
Thanks for the extra clarification for my slow brain.
Interesting how that doesn’t seem to fit, to me, with how I’ve heard its meaning described as “Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others”.
Can schadenfreude be broken up like this?
This is useful as I didn’t really know what “transcoding videos” meant and why I might need to be concerned with it.
I now know that it the process of converting a video from its original format, resolution, or bitrate. And that this can be important if one of my friends is using a device that say isn’t 4K compatible and all my content is 4K.
I know you probably already know this, but I thought I would add for others that may stumble across this.
Thanks. I’ll try look for places local to me that might e-cycle or somewhere that handles old tech at companies or universities.
Hey, thanks so much for looking at the listing and also providing some resources.
This alone gets me on the right track and I really appreciate you taking the time.
I was going to have potato for tea, but I guess not now.
Interesting. The first listing I look at had the price ranging from. £80 - £185. So either very inflated price or newer model.
Oh that’s great to hear, that things are still running on a decade old hardware. I will factor this into my choices when weighing price points.
After a very quick scan on eBay it seems these are quite cheap. Which is nice.
That’s great to hear! I see a lot of positivity for the Bambu printers.
No I wasn’t accusing you of downvoting. Just speaking generally here.
I guess you’re correct.