using linux is a slur now
using linux is a slur now
I use wireless chargers, so my usb-c ports are tight tight tight
Tell me you are only familiar with stuff going on with the US and nowhere else without telling me.
Psycopath with little empathy
Bet you anything he has not tried plutonium. He should try plutonium. Harry Daghlian will live forever. In our hearts and textbooks.
This all sucks. There’s nothing more random than a 4-year-old
The games I want: emacs, golang, docker, nginx, prometheus, grafana…
I was referencing the lengthy screeds against systemd that appear on the internet - those do not strike me as being productive for learning systemd - they appear to me to be justifications against trying to learn the thing. Is this the style of writing that has helped you or were you unaware of what I was referencing?
Orwell, the user, is a supervisord pleb that already understands the limitations of sysinit but their inability to read some man pages results in them writing a long-ass book instead.
my friend’s dad’s brother uses arch