And get his mojo back
And get his mojo back
Agile could also be code for we can’t figure out how to control project scope and team capacity
+1 spag bolo. It’s hard to not make leftovers with it
Fuck the particularly oppressive ones that are basically a free kill or just a nuisance, such as bellows and smoke bomb
You’re missing the value of property going up over time
Don’t worry, Luigi understood
Google and Microsoft have already proven to me that they can and will ignore their own os requirements. I have no confidence that " not having permissions" matters here
They’re already getting paid, there is no fail there
None of the others come close to this. This game rescued the industry and set it’s new trajectory
I do not disagree with you. Toss Gary Oldman in that group
Cranston’s character on Malcom in the middle
He’s a good actor, perhaps he will surprise everyone like hal becoming Walter White
Not really “may” I think you would be hard pressed to find a golf course that didn’t provide you with a pencil and score card
It took a special kind of stupid to not have a plan for the sequel trilogy
It’s always been there, it’s just now coming to the surface.
Like shingles
And the dispensers didn’t constantly jam
What are they doing to justify 7x install? Space is becoming premium again with the surge in handheld pcs
Hard disagree, I made it about 20-30 min through eternals and had to just shut it off
Interest was low after end game, and on life support after Thor 4. Guardians went over well as an end to that series, and Deadpool as a non MCU movie. If fantastic 4 is bad I think that’s the end.
I would see that as an absolute win