Not really a coop, but a car sharing company has service in my city. I pay a monthly fee, and can rent a car per hour using application. Instead of having a large station there is small stations with 2-3 cars in every neighbourhood and I can just book one then unlock it using the app.
Even better it also works in other cities covered by the same service
Well, typically how it works is that it’s an alternative to renting a piece of farmland in cash. Instead of paying the land owner in cash, you pay them in a portion of your harvest. /s
It’s like paying for a taxi but you also have to drive.
I’ve joined a car share coöp that was based in my city, but now I do an as-needed car share service.
The coöp had a (low) subscription cost, which meant I was penalized for not using it, but the cars were easy to find, reliable, and clean. I had a touchless membership card I swiped to unlock the cars. Insurance was included in membership, I paid gas and milage as well as a per-hour or cheaper per-day rate.
But I prefer getaround. The idea is people who in cars are letting others use them when they’d otherwise be idle, sorta like AirBnB. But like AirBnB, you’ve got units that are only being used for rentals.
That aside, there’s occasionally problems with individual vehicles, but it’s much cheaper, you can get a wide variety of vehicle types, and it’s easy to select an electric or hybrid to make gas costs minimal. Insurance can be purchased though the app. Changing a booking is a breeze. I plan to keep using this option.
Thanks for the answer. I suppose getaround is like uber in that the organization doesn’t own the cars. That’s an interesting model to have a lot of cars quickly.