“The normal amount is zero”
“…since when?”
I told a doctor once that I got a “normal amount of headaches”. He asked me how many that was and I told him 1 or 2 a week, to which he responded “the normal amount is 0”.
I was in to see him about migraines.
I’ve been in the same boat, except that it was after a few months of being on migraine medication. Told my doc I was down to normal amounts of headaches and he said “are you sure? How many?” And then we had the exact same interaction lol
Every single person I’ve even spoken to makes me think that’s a lie.
I don’t know anyone who isn’t in some form of constant pain.
I diagnose you with OLD
Occupational Lung Disease? Onerous Life Disorder?
My RMT today was going through the initial questions and asked “pain?” With regards to my physical pain, and then went “stress?” And my brain short-circuited and I said “isn’t that the same thing” so I’d say 10/10 for both in these times, thank you.
I’m built diffefectively 🫠
And the 0/10, the 1/10, the 2/10, the 3/10, and the 5/10.
Above that you gotta do special calculus depending what the doc provides.
6 if you want pain killers, 7 if you want the good shit, and 8+ if you want to be dismissed as seeking drugs.
9+ if you’re being honest
No way.
I received opiates after abdominal surgery only after I explained why my pain level was only stated as a 3 or 4 out of 10, if 10 was “The worse pain [I] could possibly imagine.”
2/10 is manageable temporarily but not chronically.
3/10 was the limit where I could hide it. It requires a lot of energy to maintain composure.
4/10 was where movement was restricted.
I can’t quite remember what five and six were.
7/10 means I can’t form complete sentences uninterrupted.
8/10 means I have mostly lost the ability to communicate and I begin to hallucinate.
9/10 means I am unable to understand where I am or what’s happening to me. It’s around this point where I have black out.
Never ask someone with a healthy imagination to work on a scale where the limit is the worst they can imagine. Besides, is the scale linear or logarithmic?
If I’m blacked out I’m not in pain any more, you just needed to just bump up your score 2 points and wouldn’t even need to explain.
“Sneezing isn’t normal”
Stop gaslighting me, doctor.
After getting old I realized why they’re called ‘trades’. You trade your physical health for money.
I want a refund.