Adam McKay says the Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio-starring satire resonates with a widespread feeling of being deceived by government and media
the movie was gloriously frustrating.
I only saw it cause it got a Oscar nomination and agree with the critics on this one.
It all felt a little off, like it was trying to be too many things at once. It jumped back and forth between what felt like parody/comedy/drama to the point it failed to do any particularly well. Or maybe it was a little too surreal to pull off the seriousness of the topic.
Yeah audience scores are my jam. Critics have failed me time and time again.
What is up with that??? Lately I find myself aligning a lot more with audience scores. Movies that critics are rating high leave no impression on me anymore and I’m an obsessed movie watcher.
Take a look around, good chance it could be nepotism
When your movie is on the frontpage of Netflix with a handful of A listers and effectively “free”, a half billion views is actually not that great. You were handed success on a silver platter.
Critics didn’t like it? I’ve seen it twice and think it’s great!
Critics didn’t like it? Say less! I’m in!
For real though, film critics are largely useless these days. It’s like they can’t tell the difference between a film made for Cannes and a film made for a lazy Sunday afternoon. Not everything needs to be deep and meaningful on a personal level. Films shouldn’t be penalized for not being something they were never intended to be.
I get what you’re saying but film critics don’t rate for enjoyment or suitability in some situations but for the quality of the film.
The Cannes film probably is objectively better as a work of cinematic art and worthy of the 9.2 score whereas your lazy Sunday afternoon flick is a 6.8.
If you’re feeling lazy and don’t want to think much then pick whatever because that critic rating says nothing about the enjoyment value of the film.
It’s like restaurants. No-one is going to argue that a Michelin star restaurant isn’t a more refined experience than the pizza shop down the street. But 90% of the time you’d prefer a pizza. But celebrating a 40th birthday, let’s go fancy.