He won’t even leave any pigs in a blanket for the old ladies, and they were really looking forward to trying those pigs in a blanket. Like damn dude. This is a problem.
He won’t even leave any pigs in a blanket for the old ladies, and they were really looking forward to trying those pigs in a blanket. Like damn dude. This is a problem.
I find E.T. hard to draw. That’s the best I could do.
The expression and body language on this are just 11/10. I love it. But I think your parents may have just told you you “already had ET at home,” because I’m pretty sure you’ve drawn a spot-on MAC from MAC & ME:
this is hilarious
You did brilliant, his expression is just perfect, and I love how he’s still reaching for that last one after having just knocked back the other. So funny 😄
the face on this one is cracking me up man