Be sure to visit the link to read the secret hover-over message!
How do I hover over on Voyager?
Eh, you have to visit the site. If you’re on a mobile app you can press-and-hold the comic to see the hover-over message. (If you’re on desktop, just hover over.)
I completely forgot about Dinosaur Comics, didn’t realise it was still going. Must be over 20 years now.
Oh yes. As good (or better) than ever!
Batman, The Devil, God, Sherlock, all still recurring. Exciting linguistic ballets and . . y’know, stuff.
meme good. i cannot comprehend how a meme can comprehend my soul so well
Dinosaur Comics is the best. It is well worth a long visit.
It can’t be any worse than lead, right?
The new Jurassic Park is weird…
All hail the beeps and all hail the boops
I used to have this clipart program lol
Could someone remind me what it’s called?