Why do they think it will suddenly work this time? I feel like exhibiting a little more creativity might make it more effective, but I’d like to hear what others have to say.
Because people already know the chant and it’s dead easy to follow along and learn.
It’s not the words themselves that are effective. It’s the number of people saying them together. Chanting and singing in unison has a very powerful effect on human psychology for both the chanters and people hearing it.
Walk into almost a church to witness this effect, watch soldiers doing drills, listen to cheers at a sporting event. People are stronger together, we feel that at a fundamental level. Hearing people making the same sounds communicates unanimous intent. That can be inspiring or intimidating, it doesn’t matter much what words they say.
The point of a protest is not to rationally convince the rulers to change. By the time a protest occurs, the “rational” and “legitimate” options have been exhausted. Protests are a show of power by subjects to their rulers, and a threat that more serious consequences will follow if nothing changes. The fact that a mass of people have assembled and are taking action at all is sufficient for a protest to be effective IMO.
So I don’t think “basic” slogans make protests less effective so long as they don’t oversimplify the demands of the protesters. Similarly, creative slogans can definitely help protests be more effective if they sharpen the message they intend to deliver.
I’ve never heard that before, but I do know that protestors aren’t very creative, which might be why they fail as much as they do.
In the UK it seems to be…
Call: What do we want?
Response: X
Call: When do we want it?
Response: Now
Followed by/Or
X! x! x!
Out! out! out!
What do we want?
Long term solutions drawing on considered and intelligent analysis of all of the facts available.
When do we want it?
We haven’t thought this through.
Never heard this in my life
I have literally never heard this once in my life
Same here.
Same here.