As the EU mostly does not decide population based but with equal votes per country that wouldn’t be an issue.
The larger issue is the fact that the European and US regulations clash in a lot of things so it would be harder for Canadian companies to export to the US then.
Hey, Canada! Have you considered EU membership?
That would actually be hilarious
And not even impossible. The EU council and commission can basically freely decide if a state counts as “European”.
I think the biggest hurdle might be that Canada would immediately be the 5th most powerful member state because of their population.
As the EU mostly does not decide population based but with equal votes per country that wouldn’t be an issue.
The larger issue is the fact that the European and US regulations clash in a lot of things so it would be harder for Canadian companies to export to the US then.
But otherwise: We would absolutely welcome you.
Canada-US trade agreements not looking so binding ATM.
We still use the u’s (colour, etc.). Is that a prerequisite?
That just shows that you did not fall into the degenerate ways of your southern neighbours.
I’m glad for it. Although the federal election is looming in the near distance. I really hope bootleg T***P (I just call him PP) doesn’t get elected.