Who cares? The Blizzard that anyone actually had any positive opinions on died years ago. All that’s left now is a zombie corpse animated by the worst of capitalism.
Fuck Blizzard, let them die
Hard pass. I hope more people, especially journalists, hold them to account for their awful practices.
Strongly agreed. Frankly Blizzard got away with decades of discrimination and harassment to the point where an employee took her own life because of the shitty frat culture that festered in the company. And for all that they essentially got a slap on the wrist, a governor in-pocket, and a merger with Activision.
Activision can suck a fuck
Don’t you guys have AI?
I’m assuming it will be a zoom meeting that’s only accessible on a phone?
Oh is blizzard making good games again? Okay then, wake me up when they start again.
I gave up on their other IPs (it seems so did they lol) but they crushed it with the two last WoW expansions after the disaster that was Shadowlands
I dunno, everything storywise starting with when they put in pandas has read like bad internet fanfic. I recall a blizzcon I went to they were showing the trailer for Battle of Azeroth. There was one scene where Sylvanas yelled “For da horde!” that instantly made me cringe. And then the crowd around me just went fuken wild and I knew I had to get out of there right now.
That was my last and final blizzcon.
I’ve never been to blizzcon so I can’t comment there. I didn’t start playing until the very end of BFA so I didn’t play it much but I heard it was also a shit expansion. Personally I couldn’t care less about the story in an MMO (I’m playing for m+ and raids) but both expansions since have a much better story than Shadowlands did.
It’s still not a perfect game but there’s been a LOT of QoL changes this expansion especially. Reputation is account-wide, campaign quests can be largely skipped on alts, and there’s a shared bank. Almost everything is cross-faction and cross-server now, too. There’s a lot more ways to gear up now, no rep grinds, and the only real time gating is at the beginning of each patch.
Anyway, don’t mean to sound like a shill here. I swore off WoW after a few months of Shadowlands but got talked into coming back and don’t regret it. Blizzard addressed most of my problems with the game so I’m happy to say it’s a good game now
My phone is ready
Give us another big StarCraft 2 tournament at Blizzcon!
That dude looks pumped
He looks like he just finished hearing the announcement for Diablo Immortal.