Infighting would imply harris is a part of the left. She’s comfortably right wing by any measure. And there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s a valid political stance to take (not mine, but again, this is fine). Calling leftists disagreeing with harris leftist infighting is like calling the cold war leftist infighting.
The left and infighting - name a more iconic duo (IMPOSSIBLE EDITION)
I’m sorry, but I can never be “infighting” with someone who is supporting an ongoing genocide. That’s always going to be outfighting.
It’s happening again
Leftist infighting is real, but this ain’t it.
Hey, that’s the spirit.
TIL that neoliberals are part of “the Left”.
Infighting would imply harris is a part of the left. She’s comfortably right wing by any measure. And there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s a valid political stance to take (not mine, but again, this is fine). Calling leftists disagreeing with harris leftist infighting is like calling the cold war leftist infighting.