ID: stevens_bad_advice posted: “Fun fact, if billionaires got shot as often as school children, we’d run out of billionaires in 2 months.”
ID: stevens_bad_advice posted: “Fun fact, if billionaires got shot as often as school children, we’d run out of billionaires in 2 months.”
As much as I dislike billionaires and think we have a huge problem with school shootings, the math on this doesn’t check out. According to Forbes there are more than 2,500 billionaires; 2,500/60 > 40 per day. I didn’t dig too deep on the stats for school shootings (because oof), but thankfully we’re not there. There are so, so many more than could be, and it’s a horrible tragedy that we’re doing nothing about, but we aren’t there.
So last year we had 60 school shooting deaths (in the us) but we also only have 756 billionaires (in the us). At that rate, it would take 12.6 years.
In 1794 in France, they averaged 30 a day. It goes a lot quicker with a guillotine.