Seems none of the 4 signs include sexual attraction toward males and females. Would love to know what the 4 mentioned signs actually are for context
#1 You have nipples.
#2 You like things inside you.
#3 You like rubbing or licking things.
#4 You’ve said “A hole is a hole”.It might also be aimed at (and hopefully made by) young people who are often very concerned with their sexuality, even before they have enough practical experience and /or self knowledge to know if they’re sexually attracted to anyone.
I didn’t recognize my first crush on a girl until over a decade later, because it was different from my crushes on boys. I thought I just admired her a lot. I had gotten to second base at least with half a dozen of my female friends before I thought I might be into girls (I was not especially self-aware). Hell, I lost my virginity to a girl and didn’t realize it until years later. I could see this being a list for people like me, who are somehow missing the obvious.
“And I only figured it out after my wife told me”
It’s just a practice marriage, so we don’t embarrass ourselves in front of our husbands later.
maybe they just telling “bisexual behavior” not in sexual context like “you love staring at your meal for 2 minutes before you eat” lmao
I stare at my meal for 2 minute before I eat! I always knew I was bisexual, but this confirms it!
Bite sexual?
Wait, is that to with bisexual? I thought it’s having sex twice a week, or biweekly I don’t remember
i was just assuming the content of that titkok comment screenshot :/
I looked it up. It’s from a deliberately “cringe” creator. The 4 things from the video are
- you like eating
- you like sleeping
- you like smiling
- you like your friends
• I have an eating disorder. I hate eating.
• I have a fear of missing anything. I hate sleeping.
• My frown is permanent and smiling hurts my cheeks at about the height of my nose
• I hate my friends because it makes me feel like I have to contribute something.