I always felt 4 was just too cartoony to last. I enjoyed the super powers, but it did way too much damage to the series’ world (literally and figuratively) and left very little room to realistically expand. I get that they lost what they were planning with the whole Ultor thing when the rights split happens, but the path they took feels, and I didn’t intend the pun when I first wrote this, pretty scorched earth.
Yeah, the powers are cool, but completely obsolete 60% of the game. Why would I get a Car and trick it out if walking is always faster? Why get a tank if I can punch things to death easier?
If the hacked powers extended to more things and weren’t quite so ridiculously powerful, there would be a lot more to enjoy.
I can’t seem to find the source of it anymore, either. I think it’s a bit hard to look up without exact names because it’s actually a few different events that make up one story.
Basically, as I remember, Volition’s parent company sold Volition to that shitty company known for buying companies with falling sales and dissolving them, and the rights to Saints Row went with them, but the parent company kept rights to Red Faction, making it impossible for Ultor to really be included in SR after 3. IIRC, Red Faction ended up being owned by the shitty company later on, but at that point it didn’t really matter anymore. I can’t actually remember if GooH included any actual mentions of Ultor with the reintroduction of Vogel.
It’s been a few years, I could have gotten details wrong.
I’m the opposite. I loved the more realistic feel of GTA IV, which really fit the vibe of Liberty City and the more gritty story of Niko. I don’t like GTA Vs whole vibe.
My tier list of GTA:
IV - feels unique
III - for nostalgia
I hate pretty much everything about V and ended up hate-finishing it so I could properly complain. It lost most of the satire, all main characters were unlikeable IMO, the map felt empty, and the story sucked.
Saints Row was among the GTA’s of the world in it’s heyday. That shit falls on the suits.
SR never had the brand awareness or “prestige” that GTA has. GTA presents itself as a satirical crime series, SR after 2 was cartoony fun.
Around GTA 4/5 , SR 3/4 I started preferring the saints row series.
I fucked up and ignored agents of mayhem.
I always felt 4 was just too cartoony to last. I enjoyed the super powers, but it did way too much damage to the series’ world (literally and figuratively) and left very little room to realistically expand. I get that they lost what they were planning with the whole Ultor thing when the rights split happens, but the path they took feels, and I didn’t intend the pun when I first wrote this, pretty scorched earth.
Yeah, the powers are cool, but completely obsolete 60% of the game. Why would I get a Car and trick it out if walking is always faster? Why get a tank if I can punch things to death easier?
If the hacked powers extended to more things and weren’t quite so ridiculously powerful, there would be a lot more to enjoy.
I’m not finding a good source. What do you mean about the rights?
I can’t seem to find the source of it anymore, either. I think it’s a bit hard to look up without exact names because it’s actually a few different events that make up one story.
Basically, as I remember, Volition’s parent company sold Volition to that shitty company known for buying companies with falling sales and dissolving them, and the rights to Saints Row went with them, but the parent company kept rights to Red Faction, making it impossible for Ultor to really be included in SR after 3. IIRC, Red Faction ended up being owned by the shitty company later on, but at that point it didn’t really matter anymore. I can’t actually remember if GooH included any actual mentions of Ultor with the reintroduction of Vogel.
It’s been a few years, I could have gotten details wrong.
Oh, Ultron is from Red Faction! I get it.
Thank you very much for explaining.
Yup sr 3/4 were fun whereas GTA was not by 4/5. I hate driving in those games.
5 is definitely better but fuuuuuucck the driving physics in 4
I’m the opposite. I loved the more realistic feel of GTA IV, which really fit the vibe of Liberty City and the more gritty story of Niko. I don’t like GTA Vs whole vibe.
My tier list of GTA:
I hate pretty much everything about V and ended up hate-finishing it so I could properly complain. It lost most of the satire, all main characters were unlikeable IMO, the map felt empty, and the story sucked.
It was so satisfying to drift around the corners of Liberty City. I loved driving on GTA IV
Yeah, it took some getting used to, but it was a lot of fun.
Saints row 2 was better than gta4