every room has only a finite number of cool doodads at any given time. the room will be cleaned eventually, it just might take a little longer. not to mention that the extra time will be spent discussing cool doodads and will thus be time well spent.
That sounds like a disaster. All it will take is finding a single cool looking doodad and the entire cleaning crew will be occupied for hours
Yea, but that’d be worth it. We’d have found a cool doodad.
Makes me wonder what this doodad might be. Guess I should start googling cool doodads instead of finishing my status report…
every room has only a finite number of cool doodads at any given time. the room will be cleaned eventually, it just might take a little longer. not to mention that the extra time will be spent discussing cool doodads and will thus be time well spent.
That’s assuming you can only spend a finite amount of time on each cool doodad and can’t switch between them.
Homeowner won’t be mad.
You found that cool doodad they put somewhere they wouldn’t forget months ago.