Sounds to me like the dude is doing a fantastic job roleplaying and gal’s idea of roleplaying is just acting out low budget pornos from the 90s.
‘I want a real roleplay!’
You’re getting a pretty damn real roleplay, what you want is cheesy, netflix-content-mill tier schlock.
Neither of their ideas are right or wrong, they just haven’t communicated their desires yet.
Seems like the guy has communicated (via acting out the roleplay) exactly what his idea is, and the gal has totally failed to communicate that what she wants, and is instead saying very vague stuff to her husband, and is complaining on the internet about her vagueness being interpreted in one way.
She could just tell her husband ‘hey can we tone down the roleplay to the level of a cheesy 90s porn parody’ but instead she says ‘i want real roleplay’ which is extremely vague and requires husband to read her mind.
‘All of our roleplay revolves around one person being a character and the other person interacting with them’
In other words:
Husband does all the work of inventing and acting out a character and she does nothing different in anyway and just ‘roleplays’ as herself.
She needs to at bare minimum describe in more detail what she wants to her husband, if she wants something different, instead of doing the roleplay equivalent or starfishing and then complaining about it on the internet.
She needs to at bare minimum describe in more detail what she wants if she wants something different
Exactly what I said. No need to add the layer of misogyny.
instead of doing the roleplay equivalent or starfishing and then complaining about it.
She said she plays along and tries to get him to let her go for sexual favors, did you ignore that part?
Seems like the guy has communicated (via acting out the roleplay)
“Hey honey, how did you like the new stuff you asked me to do?” Simple as that.
Exactly what I said. No need to add the layer of misogyny.
No, you said:
Neither of their ideas are right or wrong, they just haven’t communicated their desires yet.
To which I said:
Seems like the guy has communicated (via acting out the roleplay) exactly what his idea is, and the gal has totally failed to communicate that what she wants
The guy is communicating. He was asked to give a performance of a character, and he has done so with multiple characters.
The gal has not said she’s actually given any specific feedback on this performance to the guy, so we would have to invent that into the story for her communication to be anything beyond ‘hey roleplay as a cop and a spy’.
No clue how you’re interpreting this as me being misogynistic, I’d have exactly the same position and words if the sex/genders were reversed or this was a man+man or woman+woman relationship or anything else.
She said she plays along and tries to get him to let her go for sexual favors, did you ignore that part?
No I didn’t. Did you miss the part where she says her conception of a two person roleplay is one person does the major part of inventing a character and acting them out, and she just responds to that, instead of inventing her own character?
She could be playing an actual role, far outside of her normal character, say a burglar caught in the act, or a double agent under surveillance trying to make a deaddrop… but nope, she’s just doing the bare minimum in terms of acting out a creative character, just reacting.
“Hey honey, how did you like the new stuff you asked me to do?” Simple as that.
Or she could use all these words she’s written here on the internet and direct them toward the person who gave a performance she asked for and is unsatisfied with.
Why is the onus on only one person to both act and intuit criticism from said acting, when the gal never actually says she’s told the guy he is doing anything wrong?
“Hey honey, can we tone this down to the level of a cheesy 90s porn parody and not be so intense?” Simple as that.
Why is the onus on only one person to both act and intuit criticism from said acting, when the gal never actually says she’s told the guy he is doing anything wrong?
Never said OOP didn’t hold some of the blame for not communicating. It’s a two way street though. You seem to be under the impression this is 100% her fault. I don’t disagree she should be talking to her partner instead of asking online, but to think the guy hasn’t done anything wrong by not asking how their new bedroom activity went is wrong as well. Both of their ideas of roleplay are correct, but it’s not about who’s right and wrong, it’s about working together to make the experience enjoyable. I haven’t seen evidence either party has done that.
Well if I wanted to be seduced by Jacque Clouseau, I’d just watch the movie. The man has PRESENCE.
“Give you a what?”
“A bleu jeurb, mam. Will you give me a bleu jeurb?”
A cop yelling “officer down!” while having sex with a suspect doesn’t seem very realistic to me.
I can absolutely see a cop claiming an injury to justify the rape of a suspect idk what you mean
She should buy him a pizza delivery guy outfit.
“Here’s your pizza.” “Ooh, I can’t find my wallet, can I pay… another way?” “Seriously? This comes out of my pay! Gad dammit, not again!” <grabs pizza and walks back to car>
Bond doesn’t wear a trenchcoat. Pink panther style spy is what you get when that’s the outfit you give him. I’m not gonna act like Dora the Explorer if you give me a Power Ranger costume.
The solution to this is simple. She just needs to ask him to play a porn character of a cop. Then she’d get the performance she was hoping for. Just be careful to be specific so he doesn’t end up play a porn actor playing a cop, because then he’d be asking an imaginary director about his blocking, accidentally forgetting his lines, and requesting to cut and start the shot over.
Fake or not this cracked me up
Good to see the person I tagged as “insane misandrist” is still at it and man-blaming where there is no fault.
Enjoy your life of hate and prejudice, cunt.
Ooh! Ooh! Can I get that tag too, please?
I want one as well!
What the fuck are you talking about?
Man at least give context you shit head, you didn’t even block the person, is anger really that fun to outright label people you dislike?
oh it’s a throwaway account or along those lines
The “OFFICER DOWN” part made laugh quite loud.
So if she gets him a plumber outfit, he’ll fix the plumbing?
Not realistic enough: cop didn’t shoot anyone/thing
He did shoot his load…
idk woman. have you tried… well… talking to him instead of the interwebs?
What if the answer is yes?