Keeps coming up with Baba O’riley but I’m looking for Teenage Wasteland
Reminds me of everyone trying to figure out the lyrics of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” which nobody could so we all just remembered it by the opening guitar riff … BAN-GAH-DANK!!
🎵"It’s hard to bargle nawdle zous
with all these marbles in my mouth."🎶
Will never not upvote a Weird Al ref
chicka chicka
New blood joins this hood
And quickly he’s a dude
Some Metallica song i guess
I was a huge Metallica fan when I was a teen, but before we had the internet and I couldn’t look up the lyrics, I had to write them down as I heard them. And I still hear that song this way, even though I know better.
Sometimes, misheard lyrics are better than the original.
“I’ve got two crickets and a pair of lice!”
i have pretty bad auditory processing disorder, and still mix up a lot of lyrics with what i used to think they were.
“I’ve got crumbs in my bed and they won’t go”
I had a microsd card that I’d been collecting music on since 2006 go corrupt last year. Thousands and thousands of songs, and this image is me trying to remember it all so i can look them up on YouTube.
dugga dugga dugga dugga dugga
Have you tried to search by the name of the song? It usually comes up in the first page when I do that
I eventually found it by coincidence - my local public radio station played it. In cold blood by Alt-J. I was never gonna find it. I don’t even really like the song, it just bothered me that I couldn’t name it. Support public radio.
You kids have it so easy.
Now you can literally ask your phone “hey what is this song” and hum your earworm and Google just tells you the song. (Default function on at least Android Google Assistant for like years now)
Imagine getting a song stuck in your head on you way to work/school but it’s playing on the radio and you didn’t catch the host saying the name of the song.
And you don’t really even know what they we’re saying and can’t imitate the song to sing it to anyone to ask what it is without going all misheard lyrics. Which you might have to do.
Or just listen an hour longer and if it’s a hit they play it again. And then you can record it on a cassette to play it for yourself.
“She’s just one of the girls, she is not one of those one-in-a-million. As if to have and to hold would be holding me down with love and addiction. I think I’ve found someone, I’ve found someone to help me work it out…”
Kind of a soft alternative pop song from the mid-90s. I grew up in the northeast and listened to a lot of TMBG, Violent Femmes, and Talking Heads, so it’s possible that it’s from someone slightly adjacent to them, but it also might have just been on the pop radio station. It’s not “One In A Million” by Bosson, Ne-Yo, Aaliyah, or Trixter. I’m pretty sure I didn’t dream its existence.
Literally me a week ago haha
I do this a lot
I’ve got so many that are lost to the sands of time because they generally have no lyrics. Trying to remember or find a song with a particularly snazzy 2 seconds is impossible
There was a song for the last while had been plaguing me. I’d heard it and knew the name then (years ago) but I’d long forgotten it and every lead was a dead end. Could not find it
Recently, I was watching a streamer for a game I enjoy. It was just on for background noise so I had mostly tuned it out for a few streams. Amusingly an ad playing featured the song but I’m so used to ignoring ads it didn’t even register. To be fair the song in the ad was a different version than I remembered
It was a fortnite ad playing a version of this song, but this is what what my ear worm was: