Half of America has the literacy of a 5-6th grader. They can understand the words, but not the "deep"er meaning of things. If it’s not explicitly spelled out by name, they won’t connect the dots.
If you’ll recall, their defense of the quid pro quo during the Ukraine impeachment was that he never used the phrase quid pro quo, so he could have done that.
So did The Boys and Helldiver’s 2, and yet a substantial population of conservatives took it literally. Now The Boys has to be so blatant, it’s not as funny anymore.
Lmao about the boys. I started watching that and definitely in the first season it wasn’t even subtle, by the 4th season, which apparently is when conservatives got mad (?), it was beating you into submission with the messaging. Like, subtlety was not even in the lexicon, more like bulldozing you.
Maybe if they paid more attention in English (and history) class, they wouldn’t miss subtext the size of a tractor trailer running into them. But conservatives and STEM bros almost always seem to be on the same page with that shit “No one needs English classes, it’s always just like ‘hur the curtains are blue’ bro.”
Science here - a lot of my fellow scientists like the humanities and definitely are not missing the point. At least in the pure sciences, we tend to encourage all education, regardless of field.
Just be aware that STEM encompasses way more people than you’re specifically referring to
I know there are plenty of STEM people who get along with the humanities-- just online you run into a lot of the “bro” types specifically who don’t get it.
That movie has the subtlety of a brick to the head
Half of America has the literacy of a 5-6th grader. They can understand the words, but not the "deep"er meaning of things. If it’s not explicitly spelled out by name, they won’t connect the dots.
If you’ll recall, their defense of the quid pro quo during the Ukraine impeachment was that he never used the phrase quid pro quo, so he could have done that.
They’re that stupid
So did The Boys and Helldiver’s 2, and yet a substantial population of conservatives took it literally. Now The Boys has to be so blatant, it’s not as funny anymore.
Some people are just idiots, just the way it is.
Lmao about the boys. I started watching that and definitely in the first season it wasn’t even subtle, by the 4th season, which apparently is when conservatives got mad (?), it was beating you into submission with the messaging. Like, subtlety was not even in the lexicon, more like bulldozing you.
I stopped watching after season 2 because I couldn’t stand the lack of subtlety - despite loving the original comic which is… not subtle at all.
Maybe if they paid more attention in English (and history) class, they wouldn’t miss subtext the size of a tractor trailer running into them. But conservatives and STEM bros almost always seem to be on the same page with that shit “No one needs English classes, it’s always just like ‘hur the curtains are blue’ bro.”
Science here - a lot of my fellow scientists like the humanities and definitely are not missing the point. At least in the pure sciences, we tend to encourage all education, regardless of field.
Just be aware that STEM encompasses way more people than you’re specifically referring to
I know there are plenty of STEM people who get along with the humanities-- just online you run into a lot of the “bro” types specifically who don’t get it.
They see the part that gives them a confirmation bias and willfully ignore the rest of the message.
As the saying goes: Spread the facts on the floor like a fan, and throw away the ones that make you feel bad.
Because the dad read the book, and hasn’t seen the movie.
The book definitely is pro-military.
A brick to the head…
Good idea.
Put it in a sock first.
I already filled the sock with quarters.
I like the noise when it hits.
I like to use bars of soap personally.
I prefer cans of soup for my family