I do not care how true or untrue this may be.
Upvote for wholesome.
Except the cheating part.
It’s obviously not a good thing but, in this particular case, it was the cheating promoting a very wholesome outcome.
The cheater got the boot. The cheated got ahead in life.
Game. Set. Match.
Fake and gay ☕
And then everybody clapped
Everyone had clap.
I don’t see why it would be fake, there’s nothing unbelievable about it. I mean it is a greentext but there’s no reason to, y’know
There’s also a point where you don’t have to care. It’s a good story and you can enjoy it on that basis.
Anon has a wife
Red flag right there
Also a gf. And a friend. Triple flag
You could say it’s over Für Elise
All those years working in the classical department at Tower Records finally paying off with this joke.
My family disowned me, my wife left me and I now live in a barrel. But it was all worth it. For this one moment.
Barrel dwelling loners rise up