I’m looking across at the olympic peninsula right now from victoria right now and it really just settled in for me that losing that might actually be possible.
I would literally be willing to die trying to save the hoh rainforest.
Am I overreacting here?
No you aren’t overreacting. Republicans have been running on some version of this for decades now.
Probably not actual national parks: even the current administration can’t be that depraved, can they?
However there is even more national forest, national monument, and blm land that already may be managed for resource extraction. Odds are, they’ll just open wide
even the current administration can’t be that depraved, can they?
Every time I ask myself that, the answer turns out to be “yes”
I’m not so sure that the issue is mainly logging. I thought that they’re selling them off piecemeal as conclaves for the ultra rich.
The current administration wants to cut for timber, dig for minerals and metals, and in places where this isn’t possible or have been completed, build “Freedom Cities” where corporations rule like nation states. Free from regulation and oversite. Their whole plan is tremendously fucked for the common American.
Only if it’s for the sake of destruction and cruelty, there’s more wood than we could possibly use on national forest and BLM land. AFAIK they’re only talking about national forests for now.
As an American I confirm that, as a whole, we’re pretty goddamn stupid.
So yeah, I could totally see this happening.
I live in the Allegheny National Forest area, of Pennsylvania and it’s regularly logged. I could even buy a permit to cut my fire wood from the forest if I wanted to. But it’s all done in a relatively responsible way. There is no clear cutting, and I could only take a certain amount of trees for personal firewood use. They log for forest management, the same way they have controlled burns.
If you have a local forestry service, or some sort of similar organization, go talk with them. Ask them what the current policies, practices and plans are. Ask them if they anticipate any changes based on the new Republican Administration and plan any actions based on that information.
I’m nervous about new gas wells around here, but Pennsylvania has a process where you have to request a permit and it’s only good for one year, and they post the latitude and longitude of all the permit requests they get. So at least I have access to that information.
I suppose I am referencing a national forest and you are referencing a nation park. There are differences there for sure, so this might not be as applicable as I thought.
Are you overreacting? No. Start spiking trees if you want to save them.
Yes I do. But I think the logging will mostly take place in the unvisited and ecologically important part of parks while the part of parks intended to receive visitor will remain “pristine” until the whole ecosystem collapses when the wildlife die off.
It’s worse. I seem to remember that the US has lithium deposits in a national park somewhere.
As a Canadian looking in, I honestly believe they will. They’ve already done worse things and gotten away with it.
You mean like genocide, slavery, and being the only country in history to use atomic bombs against another country?
Naming things the current administration hasn’t gotten around to yet?
nah, the slavery never stopped
Aside from nuclear weapons you are describing practically every nation state since ever, especially post Industrial Revolution. To the point that the argument is useless. The US is just as bad as Britain, France, Spain, the Dutch, the history of the Russian empire, Japan, china, the current state of many African counties etc etc!
It’s also worth mentioning how the US is such strong allies with the very country they dropped a bomb on and helped with reconstruction through and beyond the Meiji era and continued to be an ally to Japan…
No one anywhere near this thread is advocating for those thing so what are you getting at other than saying boo! ghosts!? Sooo…
As a Brit I say that it doesn’t make it ok that my country did shit things cause another did, I also look at our current behaviour. We are both still doing bad, shitty things.
USA rebuilt Japan to stop communism.
Nothing makes the past okay. Citing the past nihilistically only makes the future worse.
Your opinion of why the US did something only serves to discredit why they should ever do anything or the net benefit of those actions regardless of intent.
The US could help eradicate AIDS, is that evidence of compassion, soft power, or imperialism?
Point is… why argue against eradicating a plague?
You’ve been a shitty country in the past and you’re a shitty country now. What are you trying to achieve by saying other countries do bad things too?
Simple if you choose to cite rando shit from centuries ago you’re not actually engaging.
It’s called low hanging fruit and apparently it’s the best you got. Take it up with the Dutch? I mean they raped the Congo… are you okay with rape? You never mentioned them in your recount of history.
Fact is the US fucking sucks because of current shit aka republicans. Blanket statements and blandly waving hands towards the past few centuries doesn’t help at all.
I haven’t got a clue what you’re trying to achieve here…other countries did bad things, I know. But we aren’t talking about those countries, so I don’t understand why you’d bring them up.
Nor have I mentioned “the past few centuries”…there’s no need.
Can you enlighten me as to what your objective is?
Interestingly they haven’t logged the alaska panhandle and I bet that’s the first to go. Best trees in the entire world
Let’s be real, has Trump ever been to a national park? Like really been to one and not just popped in for a speech or photo op? Has he ever, in his entire sad life, been on a fucking hike? Been farther than 500 ft from the next nearest human? These places aren’t even real in his mind, they’re just concepts. It’s impossible to really imagine consequences to actions against concepts. He’ll absolutely make our parks private property if given the chance. Don’t like it? Too bad, go get rich and buy your own national park, nobody’s stopping you.
I hope he and Elon live long enough to end up in the bread lines they’re going to cause.
He can’t even walk twenty feet onto a golfing green. He drives his cart five feet from the ball and gets out.
I’m sure he has, and thought that they would make nice golf courses.
Yeah, he thinks of everything in terms of real estate value. Like the way he talked about Gaza, as if the people of Gaza are incapable of building stuff themselves if they hadn’t been under a blockade for almost a century.
No, there’s a different reason why he thinks the people of Gaza are incapable…
~he’s a super racist Nazi scumbag~
The US isn’t doing it, one small group is and nobody’s stopping them. Subtle difference, I know.
They were voted in by Americans, and nobody has made any significant moves to impede them. It is not a small group, it is the USA in any sense we normally mean the term when referring to the actions of its government.
Didn’t the US vote for this?
31% voted for it.
31% voted for it and 0% stand against it.
69% (nice) of Americans didn’t vote against it.
0% have authority to stand against. Roughly 28% or something voted against.
We should collectively use necromancy to resurrect Teddy Roosevelt to beat the shit out of the current administration.
Instructions unclear, his corpse now has a hickey.
He’ll really try. It’s up to us to stop him.
anyone who wants to seriously resist this should start preparing for it already or finding ways to support those who want to be more active about it if they cant afford to do anything themselves.