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A leaked TSA email suggests funding for bomb-sniffing dogs has been halted under Elon Musk.
The email states that vet visits, kenneling, and food are “put on hold” until further guidance.
TSA deploys over 1,000 canine teams, with training costing $33,000 per dog.
The funding freeze contradicts Trump’s “tough on crime” stance and coincided with the White House celebrating “K9 Veterans Day.”
This is going to be the thing that gets white people off the train. Being mean to the dogs.
i’d wager good money they ignore it
He’s starving dogs!
Yeah Elon Musk is a sick fuck, though lets be real. We all knew he wasn’t above something like this, this is just proving what we all knew about him. It’s still horrible though.
Hoping to kick off a war when a bomb does slip through the cracks.
So how does it go down when a moral human is forced to respond to this? Curious to get a scenario where an unelected bureaucrat tells you to ignore congress?
This is some unhinged shit. Is it the drugs? Is it the Putin?
If it’s not already a thing we should start a live tracker of Elon’s current or last known whereabouts. For academic purposes.
Like the Elon flight tracker?
Yes, but I was thinking of a system with more … granularity and resolution. Maybe take the flight tracker and add to it, like noting the color of the vehicle he got in and its plate number. For research. Let’s say it’s to help calculate his efficiency with tax payer dollars.
I pray everyday for a poetic Mussolini ending for Musk
Nah, he’s cutting corners in bomb detecting dogs, it’s gonna be a Carrero Blanco 2 electric boogaloo
Beyond animal cruelty, you NEED bomb sniffing dogs! Holy shit! Do they realize that now potential bombers would have a huge upper hand in carrying explosives into airports? Why don’t they say ‘well those metal detectors and xray machines are too fancy’ and go back to the late 60s when there was a hijackings once every 5.6 DAYS.
Why don’t they say ‘well those metal detectors and xray machines are too fancy’
I’m sure they’ll cut maintenance budgets too, it just takes x-ray machines longer to starve
Paging D.B Cooper.
Oh well I’m sure the cabinet secretary who oversees TSA will get right on that oh wait she loves killing dogs too
Sounds like those dogs should start letting bombs through to me.
Musk: The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy. The empathy exploit. They’re exploiting a bug in Western civilization, which is the empathy response. So, I think, you know, empathy is good, but you need to think it through and not just be programmed like a robot.
Fucking psychopath.
quite literally
That’s definitely something a malignant narcissist would say
Sick fuck…
There is a certain type of person that gets extra upset when dogs are harmed. Make no mistake, I’m still very pro-feeding dogs. This is a fucked up event, yet events like these always bring a special type of “animal lover” outrage. If dog food budget is the Elon thing making you angriest today, then your priorities are out of whack.
Especially so if you eat cows, chickens and pigs, they’re all animals. Just so tired of the selective outrage.
Especially so if you eat cows, chickens and pigs, they’re all animals.
so they’re fucked up for having different feelings for different animals, but it’s ok for vegans to selectively judge human animals for having those differing feelings. this is just speciesism directed against humans.
“it’s racist against humans for a human to disagree with a human”
lol ok
That’s not what I said. what I said is it’s speciesist to treat them differently.
Found the vegan.
I beat ya to it.
But seriously, look at this thread. There are people saying this one is too far, that NOW they are convinced Elon is malicious, that this causes the most harm to US national security. All of those things are true and accurate, but if bomb sniffing dogs was your breaking point instead of mass layoffs of both cyber security and nuclear defense personal, racist interns copying entire database of SSN/Addresses/MedicalHistory and Elons full throated holocaust denilaism, then those people were either wildly misinformed or letting doggy emotions dictate your stance more than reason.
Downvote me, that’s fine, but y’all need to get a grip.
Elon orders government. They said it out loud.
Yes let’s start starving animals now. Great job Republiscum.